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ProTrac Advanced training
Attend our free ProSuite webinars every month
We’re organizing ProSuite webinars every month.
These webinars will give you more insight into our ProSuite modules!
So if you’re interested in our solutions than this is perfect for you!
This month you'll get more insight into ProTrac Advanced v2 on Wednesday, December 6.
- register here for session 1 at 9:30 AM in Brussels (03:30 PM in Hong Kong)
- register here for session 2 at 03:30 PM in Brussels (08:30 AM in Chicago)
For specific questions you can always contact us.
Attend our ProTrac Advanced V2 Presentation!
In the previous presentation, we revealed the new ProTrac interface and the basic functions.

Now we are going get into the more advanced functions of ProTrac v2 where setup a pick by light system out of the box.
Here you find some of the features:
  • Interaction between stations
  • PLC connection setup
  • Calculation tasks
  • Reporting capabilities
  • Connection with fluke devices for making measurements: current, voltage, resistance,...
  • Vision applications
  • ...
To learn more register for the webinar
and get more insight of the available features.